Lecture #13 – Dr. Lary M. Dilsaver

Lecture #13: The Evolution of the American National Park System
November 27, 5:00-6:00pm Vancouver time (Nov 28, 9:00-10:00am, Beijing Time)
RSVP for more details: info.afrc@ubc.ca

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lary M. Dilsaver
Prof. Department of Earth Sciences, University of South Alabama, USA

Dr. Lary Dilsaver, a native Californian, is Professor Emeritus of Historical Geography at the University of South Alabama. He also has been a researcher for the History Division of the National Park Service since 1985. During that time, he has written or edited eight books and numerous articles and book chapters on the history of the national park system and many of its units. His books include four administrative histories each of which is an analysis of a specific park’s establishment and the evolution of its management issues. The units are Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks with co-author William Tweed (1990 and 2nd edition 2016); Cumberland Island National Seashore (2004); Joshua Tree National Park (2016); and Channel Islands National Park (2020 with co-author Timothy Babalis). He has also edited a documentary history of the entire national park system called America’s National Park System: The Critical Documents (1995 and 2nd edition 2016). Articles have focused on the National Park Service’s international activities, landscape planning, and political geography, as well as the major events that shaped the human geography of the American West. Dr. Dilsaver has received lifetime achievement awards from the National Park Service and the American Association of Geographers.