Lecture #9 – Dr. Daniel Tormey

Lecture #9:
The Other New Normal: Climate Change Adaptation Action Planning in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA
October 2, 5:00-6:00pm Vancouver time (Oct 3, 8:00-9:00am, Beijing Time)
RSVP for more details: info.afrc@ubc.ca

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniel Tormey, Ph.D., P.G. 

Dr. Dan Tormey is President of Catalyst Environmental Solutions Corporation, an environmental science and policy consultancy in the USA. He has a Ph.D. in Geology and Geochemistry from MIT and a B.S. in Civil Engineering and Geology from Stanford. Dr. Tormey has worked on behalf of IUCN in world heritage since 2009, having conducted 24 desktop reviews of nominations from States Parties to the World Heritage List, and one field mission. He has co-authored two guiding works for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature: World Heritage Volcanoes: Classification, gap analysis, and recommendations for future listings, published in 2019, and Best Practice Guidelines on Geoheritage Conservation in Protected Areas to be published in 2021. Dr. Tormey actively pursues volcanology research around the world in the USA, Italy, Armenia, Georgia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and more than 30 years in the Andes of South America. His research spans geology and geochemistry; interactions between geophysical variables that affect risk assessment, risk preparedness, and contingency planning; community outreach, education and communication; relations between geodiversity and biodiversity; and geoheritage. Dr. Tormey is an expert in environmental policy and environmental impact assessment of energy, water, and land management issues, including evolving strategies for climate change adaptation action plans. He was named by the National Academy of Sciences to the Science Advisory Board for Giant Sequoia National Monument; to the California Council on Science and Technology for issues related to hydraulic fracturing; is a Distinguished Lecturer and recipient of the award for Environmental and Social Responsibility for the Society of Petroleum Engineers; is the lead scientist for Cruz del Sur, emergency response and contingency planning organization in Chile; was an Executive in Residence at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo; is a Fellow of the Explorers Club, and is a Professional Geologist in California.