
The AFRC has partnered with many different organizations, from government, to academic institutions, the centre has created networks with many valuable contacts and collaborators. The AFRC has three types of partners: Members including partner universities that participate in programs and exchange as well as sharing experience and knowledge, Collaborators that help to organize programs and projects for our centre, and our Supporters those who have made these programs and projects possible.

Partner Universities


China, Beijing Forestry University

China, Central South University of Forestry and Technology

China, China Agricultural University

China, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

China, Hebei Agricultural University

China, Nanjing Agricultural University

China, Northeast Forestry University

China, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University

China, Shangdong Agricultural University

China, Southwest Forestry University

China, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Malaysia, Putra University of Malaysia

Australia, University of Melbourne

Philippines, University of the Philippines Los Baños College

Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Viet Nam, Vietnam National University of Forestry

Thailand, Kasetsart University, Bangkok

Japan, Kyoto Univerisity & Kyushu University

Mongolia, National University of Mongolia

Cambodia, Royal University of Agriculture

Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya

LAOs, National University of Laos

Bangladesh, Chittagong University

India, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology

Taipei China, National Chiayi University